Application road map


Stock Market Simulator


Invest without suffering any consequences. The main task of the game is to learn  how the stock exchange mechanisms work. You don’t invest your money, so don’t be afraid to learn from your mistakes!


At any stage of the game, you will get access to tutorials that will allow you to learn the mechanics of investing in various financial instruments.

Q2 2024

The City


Investing Town will challenge players to be the best is stock market and investing in the town module with ranking system. In here players will not only be able to show off their high score but also customizable elements of avatar.

Real Estates

With money from stock market, players can invest in estates that will generate passive income. Good strategy of buying and upgrading estates will be essential to become great investor!

Q4 2024

Investing Town

Luxurious Goods

In Investing Town players will be able to buy luxurious goods such as jewelry, cars, yachts and more! Every purchase of luxurious goods will give players power ups and boosts of different sorts so they can earn money more efficiently.

Fun district

Another way to spend money is to send our character to do something fun like trip to another county, cinema or amusement park. Each such activity will take some time and then will grant character with temporary performance improvement.